Site Information
- Water
- 12-inch mains & 8-inch service leads
- Supplied by Bay County Department of Water and Sewer
- 40 mgpd capacity
- 11 mgpd average use
- Sanitary Sewer
- 10-inch within park
- 15-inch trunk
- 6-inch to street mains
- Bay County Wastewater Treatment System
- 18 mgpd capacity
- 11 mgpd average daily use
- Electricity
- 2 primaries from Consumers Energy (3 phase, 24.9kv grounded Wye)
- 1 primary from Bay City Electric Light and Power at a discounted
- Underground cables
- Gas
- 4-inch main
- Consumers Energy
- Telecommunications
- SBC, Speednet, Charter Communications and Mercury Wireless
- Fiber optic cable available
- Underground cables
- Fire Protection
- Monitor Township
- Full-time Fire Chief
- Full- and part-time paid firefighters
- Police Protection
- Bay County Sheriff's Department
- Road Maintenance
- Bay County Road Commission
- Lighted roadways
- 66-foot right of way
- 36-foot wide road with curb and gutter
- 15-foot public utility easement on each side
- Storm Water detention pond
- Our most outstanding feature
- 4.5 acre pond
- Fully landscaped park area
- Lighted walkways, fountains, pavilion, fishing pier, benches, and
bird houses